Monday, December 25, 2006

Long Weekend

Yes Long Ass Weekend, nothing but parties and free stuff. But I had fun, my party my was a success, hopefully everyone had fun and got drunk. I know some people got closer this weekend. I hope you liked my gift BEA, it was all last minute haha, and Mike, thanks for the Munny. I NEED SOME PICTURES FROM THIS WEEKEND GUYS. email it to me., THANKS. Also my homie Alex came to visit from Iowa for X-mas. Same old shit, basketball and Denny's. with the two losers.

(more pictures will be up as soon as You email it to me. "marvin, christine, mike" ahem)

Heres what i have..

My gift to Kat (my gf) "mama cap" and Mikes Gift "Munny"

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Heres what I picked up for myself

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and the two losers and alex

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