Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008


pimp your myspace
free graphic for myspace

look a like

so me and my homie AB aka angryblack talkin about travis barker and DJ A and M, lol. We were browsing on the hundreds blog and we see a pic of this guy on Ynot and thinkin in my head whoa this nigga looks like my homie hahaha so i took a pic.


and this nigga buggin us again. call him if you want a rev run text message every morning. cuz i get em EVERY morning. hahah

jd x stussy

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008


casteezy (12:08:14 AM): i was talking so much trash to lew today
Iil jaybe3 (12:08:18 AM): oh yea
Iil jaybe3 (12:08:20 AM): about what
Iil jaybe3 (12:08:24 AM): that nigga never hits me up anymore
casteezy (12:08:35 AM): hes gay
Iil jaybe3 (12:08:40 AM): yeah i know
casteezy (12:08:54 AM): I told him my boa is charizard
casteezy (12:09:09 AM): and i spit white flame on his girl
Iil jaybe3 (12:09:17 AM): HAHAHA
casteezy (12:09:29 AM): and i told him hes boa is charmander
casteezy (12:09:53 AM): and his girlfriend always asks him when its gonna evolve
casteezy (12:09:56 AM): lol
Iil jaybe3 (12:10:00 AM): LOL
Iil jaybe3 (12:10:02 AM): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Sunday, September 14, 2008

photo chopped

found at my homies blog The Lurqurs check it out


Saturday, September 13, 2008

super fresh ms. Perry

she kissed a girl and I liked it

Katy Perry au MTV Video Music Awards from Yannick Bart on Vimeo.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

travis AM or DJ barker

i still can't believe i didn't go to any of their shows. I guess ill just wait for the album if it ever comes out.


Fix Your Face

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Road to Change.....YES WE CAN!!

Senator Barack Obama's candidacy for President has inspired millions of young Americans to believe in their power to make America great again. I've recently been following his campaign lately, and the more I learn about him, the more he makes me believe in change. I've always believed that change is good for you, and I think America is definately ready for a change.

Below is the full version of Barack Obama's acceptance speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Other than being such a historical speech, it was filled with clear policy goals,the stakes of the campaign, and a strong sense of unifying the American Dream. Sorta reminiscent of the late John F. Kennedy. If you have the time, watch the full video. If you've already watched it, watch it again. It just makes you feel good at the end :) ---kat.

"I'm asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington...I'm asking you to believe in yours." -Sen. Barack Obama